I understand that the 121.5 and 243 Mhz are no longer being monitored as of February this year. Doe

Question: I understand that the 121.5 and 243 Mhz are no longer being monitored as of February this year. Does that mean that this unit is becoming obsolete?
Asked by
Sendrick Chinnery
on 21 December, 2019

ACR 2831 GlobalFix V4 GPS EPIRB - Category 2

Product SKU : ACR-2831
ACR 2831 GlobalFix V4 GPS EPIRB - Category 2

Answers: (1)

Answered by
James Maier
02 January, 2020

BOE Marine Team

Not obsolete at all. This is the current epirb. The 406 signal goes through satellite. The 121.5 can be homed in on by surface vessels. So it is all important.

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