Does the xi5 (940800240) have virtual anchor & is it plug & play out of the box ? Thanks i

Question ID: 1724

Question: Does the xi5 (940800240) have virtual anchor & is it plug & play out of the box ? Thanks in advance
Asked by
on 30 December, 2021

MotorGuide Xi5 Wireless Trolling Motor - Freshwater - Sonar/GPS - 80lbs-60"-24V

Product SKU : MOT-940800240
MotorGuide Xi5 Wireless Trolling Motor - Freshwater - Sonar/GPS - 80lbs-60

Answers: (1)

Answered by
Emily Wille
03 January, 2022

BOE Marine Team

This model does hae pinpoint GPS and is pretty much plug and play out of the box. You will need additional accessories like a circuit breaker, batteries, battery charger, trolling motor plug, mounting arms, etc. 


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