For the Platinum Plus North Carolina Code: 645P+. Trying to make sure that the charts cover the inla

Question ID: 1447

Question: For the Platinum Plus North Carolina Code: 645P+. Trying to make sure that the charts cover the inland lakes that are inside the coverage area. The description describes it as marine and has inshore and nearshore. I know that there is also a product for lakes but I really want the coverage are of the whole eastern half of North Carolina.
Asked by
Jason Cornpropst
on 14 June, 2021

Navionics Platinum+ - North Carolina - microSD/SD

Product SKU : NAV-MSD-645P+
Navionics Platinum+ - North Carolina - microSD/SD

Answers: (1)

Answered by
Emily Powers
15 June, 2021

BOE Marine Team

For inland lakes, you would need the Lakevu G3 card. 


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