Have you gotten any feedback on the performance with the "fantom" feedback? I'm going to

Question ID: 1434

Question: Have you gotten any feedback on the performance with the "fantom" feedback? I'm going to purchase and install this unit but am wondering if I should also purchase and install the traditional rudder feedback system while I'm at it. If it's really not necessary I'd love to avoid it but if, in the end, I will need to do it I'd prefer to do it now. Thanks.
Asked by
William Rainey
on 07 June, 2021

Furuno NavPilot 300 w/Octopus 1.6L Pump

Furuno NavPilot 300 w/Octopus 1.6L Pump

Answers: (1)

Answered by
James Maier
07 June, 2021

BOE Marine Team

Virtual feedback has been in use for years now.  Works perfect on outboard boats.  if you have an inboard it is best to use a feedback sensor.


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