While looking at the male end.... does it have 7 pins to fit Ds-500 X? Can you send pic?

Question ID: 1371

Question: While looking at the male end.... does it have 7 pins to fit Ds-500 X? Can you send pic?
Asked by
John Armstrong
on 18 May, 2021

Airmar 50/200KHZ Transom Tri A Series (E66062)

Product SKU : AIR-P58-RAYA
Airmar 50/200KHZ Transom Tri A Series (E66062)

Answers: (1)

Answered by
Emily Powers
21 May, 2021

BOE Marine Team

Yes, this transducer is meant to work with the following units: “A” series: DS400X, DS500X, DS600X, A50D, A57D, A65D, A70D, DSM25, a65, a67, e7D, c97, e97, c127, e127.


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